Thursday, March 12, 2015

Social Principles

Social Principles

The adaptations of social principles that govern societies should be decided with great discretion because these principles affect and influence not only one generation but also future generations. Ernest Hemingway once said “ About morals, I know only that what is moral is what you feel good after and what is immoral is what you feel bad after. “  When deciding which social principle to adapt it cannot be simply stated in black and white because life is far more complex there are numerous grey areas. I found that various aspects of the principles that were provided with in the reading had positives and negatives.  In a perfect world, I think that a combination of the positives of each principle would result in the prosperity of all citizens.
The social principles for which I found to be most captivating are communist and anarchist. In any society the number one priority is the people that live within the system. Therefore, it is in the best interest of the people to choose a system in which everyone lives comfortably.  In a communist society, the entire construct is ensuring that everyone lives comfortably which mean that poverty doesn’t exist and there is more of an emphasis on family. The social construct that we live in America doesn’t really account for families, it is a constant rush. In a communist society due to fact that people have a fixed income there is no need for over time. In communist nations families have time to be together to nurture their children and to ensure that everyone is properly taken care of. Another principle that I found to be compelling is Anarchism this principle is interesting because people and communities are the most significance subject when “policies” are being agreed upon.

In my previous blog I wrote about my personal principles which were to be respectful, polite, and helpful to everyone but most importantly to the elderly. The social principles which captivated me the most were communism and anarchism Families are at the epicenter of both social principles. I understand that these two concepts are very conflicting because one system (communism) is completely structured, in the sense of having a government of authorities. And the other system (anarchism) everyone is capable of representing them self. I have realized that only one of the social principles fits with my personal principles. Communist would be most closely related to my personal principle because communism is essential about community, the welfare of others, and most importantly about an organized government. However, as with anarchism the foundation of my belief system which is based on influences of my parents and God, in the anarchist society there is not any religion which would help to guide morals. I think that I would be able to live according to the either communism principles or anarchist society. I could live according to communist society if I moved to a country that practices communism or accepts anarchism but here in the United States that would be virtually impossible seeing that it is a democratic-capitalist country. In a government that oppresses anything that challenges the system which works for the transnational corporations.

            The social principles that I would choose in order are anarchism, Communism, liberalism. The concept of liberalism is a bit farfetched because whether we like it or not the people in our environment affects our quality of life. If we had a liberalism society in the United States today the gap between the rich and poor would be far worst. In sum, the social principles that we adapt are very important because of the amount of people that it will impact.


  1. I completely agree on your views of communism. It does give you more time to spend with your family and making sure they're taking care of. The fact that in a communist system no one starves is what captivated my attention the most. There are people who does overtime in their job but hardly have enough money to provide for themselves, let alone a family.

  2. Cadisha,
    I also lean towards communism and anarchism. I agree that both center around helping the community although you stated they have "an emphasis on family." I would disagree with your use of the word family in this sense because in anarchism there are no "families," just a community as a whole. Besides that, I felt your post was well written and you brought up good points as to why you would choose each way of life.

  3. I also wrote in my first blog that respect and courtesy are two important principles in life. I found it hard myself in choosing between different principles that we had learned in class. I stayed in the middle and "fence rode" because I liked different aspects from each concept as well. I also feel the same way, that there are too many different grey areas when living in a society. I feel that the concept of communism sounds good, but it will not work out. The main structure of communism is that everyone lives equally. No one has more than the next person and everyone earns the same amount. The quality of the free housing, medical care, cars, etc. is defiantly questionable. I feel that communism is corrupt and they try and make it sound appealing when the best interest is at heart for the government and higher ups. Communism eliminates poverty, which is defiantly great. But everything and being the same life in this particular type of society would be extremely boring.
    I like some of the concepts of anarchism as well because everyone is pretty much free and there is not any sort of religious or government influence on society. The problem that I see with anarchism is that it has the least amount of structure. Everything in society would move slowly because compromising and discussions would have to occur when dealing with decisions. I also feel that it would be harder to control without a set structure for the community.

  4. I definitely agree that siding with a social moral is difficult ,your right not everything is seen in black and white. At most we can apply various things we agree with in any which one of them To our lives. Communism and anarchism I to agree with intrigued me the most I they both compelled to create equality for all human being and I can agree to those ideals unfortunately they haven't been applied successfully.

  5. I definitely agree that siding with a social moral is difficult ,your right not everything is seen in black and white. At most we can apply various things we agree with in any which one of them To our lives. Communism and anarchism I to agree with intrigued me the most I they both compelled to create equality for all human being and I can agree to those ideals unfortunately they haven't been applied successfully.
